
I have 4.66 on a slim - do I need to update to install cfw?

Just upgrade via usb to a firmware version in that range. Midnightchannel.net has all the old firmwares.

How to jailbreak my PS3 slim running 4.66 OFW

You need a hardware flasher like E3 flasher, Progskeet, or Teensy. It involves opening your PS3, voiding the warranty and attaching the device.

PS3: First Ever 4.66 CFW By Ferrox - Gaming

Ps3 Console With 4.66 Firmware / PS3 Fifa 15 Game Download(cfw Only!!!) FULL GAME / Latest Psp Custom Firmware (cfw): Which Is Better

4.66. Stay low, or update anyway : rps3hacks

You can downgrade cfw version after getting 4.90 without a problem, but I don't think there is a reason for that. Upvote

PS3 CFW 4.66 how to update

Download the latest version 4.84 d-Rex to a usb drive PS3/UPDATE Change the file name to PS3UPDAT Install from USB Enjoy

PS3 4.66 4.65 Jailbreak - CFW *Update* [PS3UPDAT.PUP]

PS3 4.65 /4.60 Jailbreak - Download & Tutorial - CFW *Update* [PS3UPDAT.PUP]. Sun, Aug 31, 2014. Sign up to add PS3 4.66 /4.65 Jailbreak - ...

Download Sony PlayStation 3 Firmware 4.66 for OS Independent

This package contains the necessary installation files of Sony PlayStation 3 Firmware version 4.66. Fixes: - System software stability during use of some ...

4.66 Custom Firmware (CFW) & Updated Homebrew Apps

1.) Auto boot of plugins. Cobra Only. 2.) Network Loading of PS3/PS1/DVD/BD/ and installation of packages from the network. So much easier and more freedom IMO.

PS3 fat 4.66 | PSX

Install OFW 4.84 then use bgtoolset from PS3 browser to patch the console to allow CFW installation. I suggest 4.84 because you can easily ...

Good new Info for users PS3! Come... - PS3 Jailbreak

CFW CEX v4.66 Released (30.12.2014) Download from: www.PS3Jail.com Video from: https://www.youtube. com/watch ...

